Dental Emergency
We know a dental emergency can be scary, painful, and confusing. This decision tree is the same decision tree our assistants were taught by Dr. Wyne to help determine what your dental problem is. By filling this out beforehand it will help us schedule you appropriately, set the room up for your specific emergency, and hopefully give you some guidance and information about what is going on with your mouth. This also allows our front desk to start and put together treatment plans for you so you don't have to wait (sometimes hours for your insurance to pick up the phone) for us to get a proper estimate. All of this makes for a faster and more efficient appointment for you and hopefully the information about your emergency will take some of the stress and worry away from you. As with all things online, this is a general guide and will not be 100% accurate all of the time. A dentist and very often x-rays are needed to confirm your diagnosis. This form is to help us and you along in the process.
So first which of these most accurately describes what is wrong?
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Gums bleeding
Sensitivity to Hot or cold
Crown or filling came out
Tooth broke
Blow to the face
Swelling of the face
TMJ or jaw pain
Recently done dental work is hurting
General Mouth Pain/ pain on swallowing
Weird/discolored lesion in or around mouth
Small pimple on the gum that keeps reappearing
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